Preparation: Kitchen

My number one piece of advice is to organize the drawers and cabinets in ways that make it very easy for guests and cleaners to keep things orderly. I used my label maker to label EVERYTHING. Whenever your guests unload the dishwasher or are cooking a meal, they should easily be able to find what they need.
Watch Facebook Marketplace for sets of dishes and other kitchen furnishings. We furnished a great deal of this kitchen when I came across a moving sale listing. The woman pretty much sold me her entire kitchen that she couldn't move across the country with her.
Buy hand soap at TJ Maxx or Home Goods. The containers are cute and the prices are cheap.
Provide extras that aren't expected: wine decanter, coolers, a picnic basket, oil/vinegar, etc.
Add some green! Faux and real flowers really brighten up a neutral space.
Put a stepstool under the kitchen counter so your guests don't have to hike up on the counters.
Provide duplicates of things that could easily get misplaced. (We once walked into an Airbnb after a 9 hour drive, with our bottle of wine in hand, only to find NO wine opener. Do NOT leave your guests without a wine opener!!)
Provide duplicates of things that could easily get misplaced. (We once walked into an Airbnb after a 9 hour drive, with our bottle of wine in hand, only to find NO wine opener. Do NOT leave your guests without a wine opener!!)
We chose this table because it is small, easy to clean, and solid. It is HEAVY. Bonus: it doesn't show cup rings.
I read a billion reviews on chairs and made sure we purchased chairs that were as sturdy as they were affordable. We chose these because they have a modern feel and are easy to clean.

The kitchen felt a little empty and, after living in the unit for a few weeks, we felt like our guests really needed additional counter space. (Check out the cute picnic basket on the bottom. I found that for $5 at Goodwill, and it's perfect for taking to the beach!)

Be sure to include multiple sets for your guests.
coffee mugs
drinking glasses
wine glasses
coffee maker (we also provided flavored syrups, sugar, etc.)
food storage containers for leftovers
knife block/cutting board
mixing bowls
baking sheets
pots and pans
chip clips
wine + beer openers / can opener
a surplus of cleaning supplies, trash bags, paper towels, etc.
anything else you would need to cook a meal
In the kitchen, we leave our guests with a selection of local brews, muffins, and flavored water.
What am I missing? Drop me a line so I can add it!! :) And don't forget to check out what you'll need for your living room, entryway, and bedrooms.